Dharna Abhigrah
It is a Customised Pachkhan. One can decide any kind of Tyag or Niyam for a short/Long duration by taking this Pachkhan.
To give up food and water or only food continuously for three days.
To give up both food and water or only food continuously for two days.
Tivihar Upvas
To give up only food for the whole day.(starting from previous sunset to 2nd day sunrise – approximately 36 hours).
Chauvihar Upvas
Like Upvas, to give up food as well as water.
To eat two meals a day in two sittings and drink boiled water anytime between sunrise and sunset.
Eating food once in one sitting. The food contains only cereals and pulses not sprouted and it is spice free and boiled or cooked, without milk, yogurt, ghee, sugar jaggery, oil, fried food, or green/raw vegetables, fruits, sugar and its products.
Don’t eat or drink anything until 1.5 Prahar time after the sunrise, (approximately 4.5 hours or 37.5% of the day passes) then sit at one place , fold your palm (make a fist, Muththi vaalavi or handful), recite Navkar 3 times and then take food or water.
Don’t eat or drink anything until Three Prahar time after the sunrise, ( approximately 9 hours or 75%% of the day passes) then sit at one place , fold your palm (make a fist, Muththi vaalavi or handful), recite Navkar 3 times and then take food or water.
Don’t eat or drink anything until One Prahar time after the sunrise,(approximately 3 hours or 25% of the day passes) then sit at one place , fold your palm (make a fist, Muththi vaalavi or handful), recite Navkar 3 times and then take food or water. Calculation of Prahar : Take total daytime(i.e. If sunrise is at 7 am and sunset is at 7 pm then whole daytime is 12 hours), divide it by four then it will give one prahar time. i.e. if daytime is 12 hours then One Prahar = 12 hours/4 = 3 hours
Don’t eat or drink anything until 48 minutes after the sunrise, then sit at one place , fold your palm (make a fist, Muththi vaalavi or handful), recite Navkar 3 times and then take food or water.